How Beagle Works

  •  Beagle gets the registration of meditech industry manufacturers and dealers to sell their products and equipments on the portal Beagle
  •  Beagle reaches to millions of doctors, medical practitioners, and health care institutions across the country
  •  Manufacturers and Dealers list their meditech products and equipments on the portal Beagle which are visible to all who seek to purchase such products and equipments
  •  Potential customers of such products and equipments may raise product inquiries and converse with respective dealer / manufacturers through the platform itself.
  •  If the transaction is executed and recorded ono the portal Beagle, both parties, the seller and purchaser would get reward points for the recorded transaction which can be further be utilized or redeemed to get various benefits on future eligible transactions; for example, for purchasing certain approved products / equipments, get concessional finance deal on products etc.
  •  Dealers / Manufacturers may also provide customized and lucrative finance scheme on their listed products and equipments